Monday, September 21, 2009

Thoughts of a Muser #2

I was thinking just now (well, about 30 minutes ago.) Why do people never talk about people outside there family on there blog? Well I don't know why, but I not going to figure it out (because that would be too much trouble.) But I am going too brake that trend.
One thing before I do, have you ever noticed that you take friends for granted? You don't do it deliberately, but have you ever walked up to a friend and said "thanks for being my friend."
But, without further ado, here we go!

First I say "thanks for being my friend." To one of by best friends that I met... a LONG time ago and who I am filming The Beginning (renamed Equilibrium) with. And who is AWESOME!!!

Next, to my first role playing group that meets on Tuesday. And that has Galaxy and Rose in it. Who are SO fun to hang out with. And two other friend's in it. Who are SO cool!

My other, newer, role playing group, who, have to put up with me being a little weird when we are playing. But, you guys are AWESOME and fun to play with.

And to all my other friends, who, my not be mentioned, but are JUST a cool.

Just me

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thoughts of a Muser #1

Thoughts of a Muser is a post I will put up every week or so about some random thing I've thought about that week (cuz I know you ALL care.)

I recently watched The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and I thought "they forgot that Antidisestablishmentarianism, Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and Honorificabilitudinitatibus are not all proper nouns. They also forgot that 42+59786/59828+1= 1 so 42-1 = 41...41?"

So the meaning of life is 41.